Sunday 20 July 2014

A Trio of Puds

The summer holidays are fast approaching- and I'm starting to empty my fridge and freezer. It's been a glorious few weeks here - and fresh fruit has been very tempting, so it's not surprising that there is quite a bit lurking in my fridge pleading to be used up.

I was drawn to a recipe in a French magazine. (I always ask visitors from France to bring me a copy of Maxi Cuisine, Cuisine Actuelle or Guide Cuisine- those mags you see at the checkout in French supermarkets- as the recipes seem so much more tempting than the ones in Woman's Own or Prima- possibly a case of greener grass of course).

This was for a clafoutis aux abricots- a sort of apricot Yorkshire pudding.

I made it last Friday- and was surprised and delighted by the results: not at all pudding-y...more like a custard tart almost.

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.
Butter a gratin or pudding dish and sprinkle vanilla sugar all around to line it. Wash, halve and remove the stones from 10 apricots and lay them face down in the sugar.

Mix together 60 g of flour, 1 tsp of ground ginger and 100g of icing sugar.
Beat 3 eggs with 100ml of milk and 100ml of cream.Add it to the dry ingredients and beat to a smooth batter.
Pour the batter over the apricots and bake in the oven until the pudding is risen all around and a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. (The middle part doesn't necessarily rise but should be firm like a baked custard (which is what it is!)

Sprinkle with more sugar and either grill until caramelized (I over-caramelized mine as it goes very quickly) or use a blowtorch for more precision.
Clafoutis aux abricots

Serve with cream or ice cream.

The next pud is also custard based.
You can feel virtuous whilst eating this as it uses up stale chocolate croissants which would otherwise go to waste. There is of course the small matter of the calories involved..but never mind that for now.

Chocolate croissant Pudding


  1. Merci beaucoup pour le blogue excitant! J'ai vraiment apprécié la lecture, vous êtes un brillant écrivain. En fait, j'ai ajouté votre blog à mes favoris et impatient pour plus de mises à jour. Great Job, Keep it up ...
    traiteur bordeaux

  2. Merci Dixon! Je veins de retourner de mes vacances- beacoup de recettes a essayer! Nouveau post prochainement
